Vintage & One-of-a-Kind Rugs are Here

Spring is right around the corner. With spring, comes the feeling for something new, a freshen-up, or maybe something old that is new to you. We are excited to bring in a fresh crop of vintage and one-of-a-kind wool rugs. The perfect pop of texture, colour and softness. Great for a kitchen, living room, foyer or any space in the house.

Like all our textiles, we focus on natural fibres with wool being preferred for rugs and carpets. Wool is a durable, renewable fibre and the original cleanable rug. Wool is naturally non-absorbent and healthier to live with than synthetics rugs (often branded as "Performance" or "Washable"). There's a reason wool has been used to make rugs for thousands of years. Hand-knotted wool rugs can easily last for decades (or longer), like many of our beautiful new vintage rugs.


Shop all rugs available now online here.

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